
Rush Advanced Trauma Training Program


International Advanced Trauma Training Program


23-27 June 2025; Pre-Hospital International Trauma Training Course

$7,600.00 (includes breakfast and lunch; and Distinguished Visitors Event with light refreshments)

International Trauma Life Support
Cadaver Lab
Tissue Lab
Skills Administration and Testing
FAST/US/Hemorrhage Control/Central Lines/Patient Assessment
Amputation Management
Combat Trauma Lane
PTSD and TBI Awareness/Identification/Treatment
Optional TCCC-CMC (12-20 June 2025)
(ATTC awards up to 35 hours of Continuing Education Units)

25-29 August 2025; Surgical Trauma Training Course

$7,600.00 (includes breakfast and lunch; and Distinguished Visitors Event with light refreshments)

Ears, Nose, and Throat



Cardio Vascular Thoracic

General Surgery

Neuro Surgery 

All training days includes lectures and procedural labs.

3-12 September 2025; Pre-Hospital Trauma Training and Infectious Disease Trauma Course $9,600.00 (includes breakfast and lunch)

IATTC Curriculum: same as above

Infectious Disease Trauma Training:  see curriculum below

Overall Course focuses on trauma and patient care

CRE CMRP/MOS 2024/2025 Clinical Rotations:  Rush 2025 Clinical Rotations Assist with the triage, evaluation and management of trauma patients throughout continuum of care module.  5 days is $2,000.00.  Additional days: add $400.00 for each day.  CEUs issued for all hours performed.

2025 January, July, and August ATTC-Expanded Curriculum (Course Fee: 5,750.00):

​(20-29 January; 14-22 July; 4-13 August 2025)

optional TCCC-CM/C (9-17 January (add $2,900.00); optional Ultrasound Training Course (29 January/1200-1700hrs; 22 July/1200-1700hrs; 13 August/1200-1700hrs) add $900.  For the July/August ATTC-Es: optional TCCC-CMC: 24 July-1 August; optional AHLS Provider: 23, 24 July-add $1,025.00; optional ABLS: 27 January; 11 August-add $400)

(conducted at Rush, Chicago).

International Trauma Life Support (ITLS)
Advanced Burn Life Support (ABLS) (Jan/ Aug only)
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) 
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Basic Disaster Life Support (BDLS)
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Cadaver Lab.

Tissue Lab.
Skills Administration and Testing

FAST/US/Hemorrhage Control/Central Lines

Amputation Management
Combat Trauma Lane
PTSD and TBI Awareness/Identification/Treatment
Ambulance Ride Along (subject to scheduling) 

Level I Trauma Experience (subject to scheduling)

Middle weekend 8 hour trauma rotation (subject to scheduling)

Optional TCCC-CMC: 9-17 January and 24 July-1 August

Optional AHLS Provider Course 23, 24 July

Optional Ultrasound Training (29 Jan/PM; 23 July; 13 Aug/PM; both 1200-1700hrs)

(ATTC-E awards up to 82 hours of Continuing Education Units)

2025 2nd Week only of ATTC-Expanded Curriculum (Course Fee: $1,800.00)

(29-31 Jan; 12-14 Aug)

(conducted at Rush, Chicago)

Advanced Burn Life Support (ABLS)

Basic Life Support (BLS)

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)

Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

Ultrasound Training (make choice on registration link)

(Awards up to 27 hours of Continuing Education Units)

2025 All Rush ATTCs (Jan; Mar; Apr; May; July; Aug; Sep) (Course Fee: 5,550.00):

(20-24 Jan; 19-23 May; 14-18 July; 4-8 Aug; 22-26 Sep) add optional TCCC-CM/C (see below for dates) (add $2,900.00. (May, July, and September can be combined with the Infectious Disease Training Course)

(conducted at Rush, Chicago)

International Trauma Life Support
Basic Disaster Life Support
Cadaver Lab

Tissue Lab
Skills Administration and Testing

FAST/US/Hemorrhage Control/Central Lines

Amputation Management
Combat Trauma Lane
PTSD and TBI Awareness/Identification/Treatment
Ambulance Ride Along/Level 1 Trauma Experience (subject to scheduling)

(ATTC awards up to 51 hours of Continuing Education Units)

Optional TCCC-CM/C Tier 3 offered with all ATTCs; see the schedule below.

2025 All Rush ATTCs (Mar; Apr) (Course Fee: 5,550.00):
(conducted at Rush)

Tactical Combat Casualty Care- Combat Medic/Corpsman Curriculum

Cadaver Lab

Tissue Lab

Ambulance Ride

Level One Trauma Rotations

(ATTC awards up to 82 CEUs)

2025 9-12 June ATTC Course - (Course Fee: $5,550.00):

(conducted at Rush and Stroger Hospitals, Chicago).  Optional TCCC-CM/C 12-20 June 2024 (NAEMT Tier Level 3 Registered; add additional $2,900.00); ABLS only: 11 June $400; PHTLS only add $600)

Advanced Burn Life Support (ABLS)

Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)

Cadaver Lab 

Tissue Lab

Ambulance Ride

Level One Trauma Rotation

Optional TCCC-CM/C

(ATTC awards up to 42.25 hours of Continuing Education Units)

Only 18 students allowed; register early

2025 Stand alone certification courses with or without an ATTC:

(conducted at various locations)

Ultrasound Training Course: 29 January/22 July/13 August; 1200-1700hrs.  ($900.00)(5 CEUs).  Added on the backend of an ATTC-E or can be attended as a stand-alone option.

PHTLS: 11-13 June - ($600.00) (16 CEUs)

AHLS: 24, 25 July- ($1,025.00) (16 CEUs)

ABLS: 27 Jan; 10 June; 12 August - ($400.00) (7.25 CEUs)

ATLS: ($1,300.00)

TCCC-CMC: 9-17 January; 8-16 May; 12-20 June; 24 July-1 August; 11-19 September ($2,900.00) (63 CEUs)

TCCC-CLS: 20-25 January 2025; 19-23 May 2025; 14-18 July 2025; 4-8 August 2025; 22-26 September 2025 ($1,725.00) (40 CEUs)

2025 Infectious Disease Training Course: 13-15 May; 8-10 July; 3-5 September

(May and July Course Fee: $2,300.00): September Course fee: $2,600.00 (includes breakfast and lunch, September only)
(conducted at Rush, Chicago)


Use of BioFire detection equipment - ON HAND TRAINING KITS

TOUR OF HOSPITAL AND ISOLATION ROOMS - subject to availability
PPE and barriers
Bloodborne Pathogens

Malaria and Other Travel Related Illness​
Respiratory Viral Infections (SARS, MERS, COVID-19)

​COVID-related cases, Pathophysiology. and Treatments, including Vaccines

Infectious Diseases in the Headlines (non-COVID)

​Emerging Infectious Diseases

​Monkey Pox
Respiratory droplets
Airborne pathogens
Bioterrorism Agents EXPANDED CONTENT
Hemorrhagic Fevers (Ebola)
MRSA Infections

CNS Infections
Vaccines, drugs, diagnostics and vector control.
Victim Recovery
(IDTC awards up to 21 hours of Continuing Education Units)

IDTC Student Feedback:  "Content was in-depth and presented in a manner to provide optimal learning outcomes.  In addition to the core infection control curriculum, the psychological effects portion is useful information for my medical practice"  " Excellent course! Very well organized, maximum use of time"

2025 Ultrasound Training Course (Course Fee: $900.00) (conducted at Rush)

29 January; 23 July and 13 August 2023/1200-1700; added to an ATTC-E; cert course; or can be taken as a stand-alone option

​Introduction/Basics of Ultrasound
E-FAST Lecture/E-FAST Breakout Session
Renal Lecture/Aorta Lecture/Aorta/Renal Breakout Session
US-Guided Peripheral IV Lecture/US-Guided Peripheral and Central Line Breakout Session

Cardiac Lecture/Cardiac Breakout Session
Nerve Blocks Lecture/Nerve Blocks Breakout Session

2025 Clinical Rotations (All Medical Levels).  Summary:  Training location: Stroger Hospital (Rush Affiliate), level one trauma with a burn unit.

CMRP/MOS Clinical Rotations Assist with the triage, evaluation and management of trauma patients throughout continuum of care module.  OPEN FOR CMRP AND CST ITRM REQUIREMENTS. IF YOU NEED ADDITIONAL HOURS.  5 days is $2,000.00.  Additional days: add $400.00 for each day.  CEUs issued for all hours performed.  CONTACT info@rushattp.com

Training Description:  This module is conducted at a level one trauma center with a burn unit, focusing on tertiary care central to the cities’ trauma system.  At this particular hospital, during a normal year over 8,000 trauma cases are seen with multiple acute burn cases.  Additionally, Chicago is experiencing over 750 gun-shot wounds (GSWs) per year and various other penetrating wounds. This level one trauma center is located on the west side of Chicago.  Students may enroll in as many hours as needed in order to meet their professional development requirements.  By the Medical Education Office, students are cleared for access throughout the hospital as rotating medical students.  Areas of concentration are focused on the student’s scope of practice (plus advanced learning opportunities in some cases) in the trauma ICU, burn (burn clinic and Burn ICU), Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU); and other ICUs.  As rotating students, they participate in daily rounds and follow the cases throughout their time on location as the cases move through various ICUs, step-down units, etc.  In some situations, students will observe various cases in the Operating Room (OR).  The entire experience is governed by aggressive preceptors, explaining and teaching the cases throughout the rotations.  Notably throughout their assignment, students have opportunities to learn from experienced trauma and burn surgeons.  CEUs are awarded for all contact hours.

27-31 January 2025  
17-21 March 2025
14-18 April 2025
19-23 May 2025
9-13 June 2025

15-19 July 2024

14-18 July 2025

11-15 August 2025

23-27 September 2024

22-26 September 2025

TCCC-CLS - Tactical Combat Casualty Care-Combat Lifesaver 

20-25 January 2025
19-23 May 2025
15-19 July 2024
14-18 July 2025
5-9 August 2024
4-8 August 2025
23-27 September 2024 (cost: $1,599.00)
22-26 September 2025

2025 Course Fee: $1,725.00 INCLUDES A CADAVER LAB
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Combat Lifesaver (CLS) Course provides the means to help familiarize you with TCCC concepts and lifesaving skills to render medical aid to a trauma casualty. The course provides information through a short lecture followed by interactive hands-on skills training and formal assessment. The CLS TCCC Course encompasses tactical trauma assessment, bleeding control interventions, airway and respiratory management techniques, rescue drag/carry techniques, prevention and treatment of shock, burns, eye injuries, splints, pain management, critical communication, and medical documentation practices. The TCCC skills have been proven safe and effective and can be performed by someone with no medical training. At the completion of this 40-hour course, you will be qualified at a TCCC basic proficiency level.


Contact us to schedule training for Tier One Tactical Combat Casualty Care - All Service Members (TCCC-ASM).   EMAIL: info@rushattp.com for ASM and CLS info.

Critical Care Course 300-F2 Course

CONTACT INFO@RUSHATTP.COM FOR DETAILS October- November 2024: Critical Care Paramedic Course (Course Fee: $7,500.00):

weeks #1,2 CCEMT-P conducted at Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL; weeks #3-6 clinicals conducted at Rush and Stroger Hospitals, Chicago)

(Course awards up to 340 hours of Continuing Education Units)

​same training locations as above

contact: info@rushattp.com for details

Accelerated Paramedic Certification Course (NREMT-P)

Check back for updates

Behavioral Health Training Course (Course Dates and Fee: TBD)

(conducted at Rush, Chicago)

PTSD Education and Psychological First Aid

Traumatic Brain Injury
Military Sexual Trauma
Moral Injury
Sleep Education
Suicide and Risk assessment
Substance Use

Motivational Interviewing

(BHTC awards up to 14 hours of Continuing Education Units)